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Monday, April 18, 2011

Learning never ends!

I love to learn new things! I guess that is why I became a teacher. Learning new things is exciting!
I am still learning how to do this "Blogging"thing! I LOVE to read other teachers blogs! I am practically addicted!! I really wanted to start my own. So now I am attempting to learn how!!


  1. Trish,

    Thank you so much for the sweet heart notes you leave me! It is funny how we all seem to have the same thoughts and insecurities. I love how blogging connects us and helps us encourage each other. You bless me so much by all of your sweet and uplifting words. =)Thank you!

    Bloggy hugs and blessings to you!

    Heather's Heart

  2. I just wanted to stop by and say hi!

    I hope your summer is full of blessings!

    Heather's Heart
